With unbeatable promo price of N2.4M per plot and a 10% discount on outright purchase,...
With unbeatable promo price of N2.4M per plot and a 10% discount on outright purchase, you can own a piece of this premium property within...
With unbeatable promo price of N2.4M per plot and a 10% discount on outright purchase,...
With unbeatable promo price of N2.4M per plot and a 10% discount on outright purchase, you can own a piece of this premium property within...
With amazing feature like electricity, conservation centre, security, recreational park, good road network, drainage, street...
With amazing feature like electricity, conservation centre, security, recreational park, good road network, drainage, street lights, perimeter fence and sports facilities, we are sure you’re...
Thinking of Class, style and exquisite living in a luxury and serene environment, you are...
Thinking of Class, style and exquisite living in a luxury and serene environment, you are gonna like it at FORT Felicia Golf Resort Estate Rukpokwu...
Boing Lakeview Estate Located at Omagwa and sharing boundary with the Port Harcourt International Airport...
Boing Lakeview Estate Located at Omagwa and sharing boundary with the Port Harcourt International Airport is idea for family living and an unbeatable choice for...
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