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When Is The Right Time To Buy Tiwa Garden City? Now!!
Dear Smart Investors
As Tiwa Garden City continues to enjoy the attention it truly deserves as a tech hub that truly makes living easy, we thought to say thank you again for making Tiwa your own.
For everyone that have keyed into Tiwa already, congratulations for owing a piece of the future of family, tech and entertainment 🔥🔥
For those still thinking of joining in later, it’s important to say that Tiwa Garden City is selling out fast and below is the price projection schedule alongside construction milestone👇👇👇
1st March 2023 – Approach View & Gatehouse which will take average return on investment of the pre-launch price from March 1st to 45%
1st June 2023 – Road and Drainage Construction which will take average return on investment of the pre-launch price increase from June 1st to 80%
1st October 2023 – Electricity and the Plantation which will take average return on investment of the pre-launch price increase from Oct 1st to 120%
Now is the right time to buy Tiwa Garden City to wait and enjoy the massive returns rather than wait to buy when the price of Tiwa Garden City has increased.
This is a massive opportunity for you to secure an excellent property with appreciation in value.
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